Thursday, November 10, 2011

Balayya's astrology vs analysis

Balayya's astrology vs analysis
Nandamuri Balakrishna is one man who is known for his intense beliefs and strong sentiments. Those who are close to him reveal that he has almost a blind faith in astrology. Now, the reason for this discussion is about Balayya and his future plans, whether it will go towards politics or senior roles in cinema.

While some say that Balayya would be consulting his set of astrologers and take a call accordingly, there are those who say he should also get analytical, get an overview of what is the scenario in politics and then decide his next step. Many feel he is at a very crucial juncture if he decides to get into politics.

Internal talk is that Balayya would give maximum preference to astrological position. While the Nandamuri fans may want him to enter politics, the rational political observers say it is better he takes his time before he jumps into this field. But they suggest Balayya can work as a charisma factor for TDP instead of plunging into direct politics. Let us see what happens.

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