Sunday, May 13, 2012

Heroine Mom's Dinner With Heroes

Heroine Mom's Dinner With Heroes
Her mother is a rocking siren who rocked silver screen alongside the top heroes of yesteryear. But, her dusky daughter is not able to pull movies into her bag with her very own talent. So, the mother is doing the bit required.

Yesteryear siren Radha is in town to meet few top heroes of yesteryear and who are still continuing today. Kartheeka is not doing so well at the moment even after scoring few points with 'Dammu'. Sources revealed that Radha is meeting few veterans of industry over dinner at fivestar hotels, to discuss the future of her daughter.

Our heroes who cannot say no to this aged hottie's request are attending the party to bless her daughter. While they are nodding heads in front of Radha, none of them are getting Kartheeka signed for their next projects. You might have guessed by now who those heroes are.

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