Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ban on Bellamkonda looks inevitable

Ban on Bellamkonda looks inevitable
Producer Bellamkonda Suresh invited trouble by allegedly beating up director Santosh Srinivas ('Kandireega' fame) when he refused to make changes to the script of their upcoming film. It is known that the director has lodged a complaint against Bellamkonda in Telugu Film Directors Association (TFDA) immediately after the incident. Although Bellamkonda denied the allegations saying only an argument took place between them regarding the script of the film, the directors association has taken this matter very seriously.

A preliminary inquiry is under progress and if the charges against Bellamkonda were proven, then he needs to get ready to pay a heavy price. Firstly, he would have to give a written apology to director Santosh Srinivas. Secondly, he will face a ban, which means all the 24 crafts in the Industry will abandon him. Along with that, strict guidelines will be passed to all the directors to avoid making films for him.

For Bellamkonda, this is not the first of its kind incident. A year ago, he has beaten up his driver publicly. With the firing incident at actor Balakrishna's house and fighters dispute during Kandireega shooting which led to the shut down of Tollywood for several days, he added the word 'controversial' to his name. Luckily, he resolved all those issues. Will Bellamkonda repeat the same here or would he face the axe of directors association is to be see!

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