Friday, November 4, 2011

Top Heroine's Arrogance angers Cine folks

Top Heroine's Arrogance angers Cine folks
It is often said that humility and down to earth nature are very much necessary when in the film industry. That takes the individuals to great heights. History has shown that those who didn't have faced the band. Right now, one name is making strong rounds for the attitude.

She is the Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra. Recently, Priyanka was reportedly sharing her thoughts when she mentioned that she doesn't like being told what to do and added that she has huge authority issues. The pretty lady mentioned that all this is applicable when she signs up films.

However, the cine folks of Bollywood reveal that Priyanka has been showing a similar attitude even off the screen. Some are attributing this change of behaviour to Priyanka becoming the blue eyed girl for Shah Rukh Khan. Few others are feeling bad that someone like Priyanka is turning out to be like this and are hoping she changes.

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