Saturday, April 28, 2012

Heroine's Daughter future in Dilemma !

Heroine's Daughter future in Dilemma !
There is always a big difference between those who come to the film industry without any godfathers and those who fall under the category of star kids. Usually, the star kids tend to get an easy break into movies but then the responsibility is double since the expectations are high on them.

Right now, the focus is on one actress. She is Karthika, daughter of the yesteryears beauty queen Radha. Though there is a difference of chalk and cheese between mother and daughter in terms of looks, Karthika has been showing a lot of screen confidence. However, the key discussion is, what will her future be like.

Apparently, many are giving a feedback that Karthika is not able to appeal in her looks. Of course, she has compensated with a very sexy and curvaceous body along with a good height. She is also a trained classical dancer. But it is the looks which is causing a major dent to this girl. Let us see how Karthika deals with this.

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