Sunday, December 25, 2011

Will 'D' save Nag?

Will 'D' save Nag?
King Nagarjuna has arrived with the film 'Rajanna' and though the inside talk was positive and the film reviews were positive, the film seems to be suffering from poor collections. However, many say that the clear picture will be known once this weekend passes. Meanwhile, another topic has come to the forum.

Discussions have already begun in filmnagar circles and this is about Nag's next venture 'Damarukam'. They say "Rajanna is being considered like an art film and to some, it is unable to create the right commercial impact. Whether that will create an impact at box office or not, it is time to focus on 'Damarukam'."

They add "More than 'Rajanna', the concept of 'Damarukam' is appealing and since the genre is socio-fantasy, the impact will be high. Also, there is the Anushka factor which is a major crowd puller for the film." The film is hitting the screens on March 27th, 2012 as per sources. Only time will tell whether 'Damarukam' will raise the heat and give Nag the much needed hit or not.

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