Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is Panjaa is inspired from the Hollywood Movie ?

With each passing day the temperature has been rising over the film 'Panjaa'. With the first look of the film creating quite a sensation, the expectations have doubled on the film. However, a new grapevine is making rounds and the buzz is that 'Panjaa' is inspired from the Hollywood Movie.

The styling of Pawan Kalyan along with the look and feel of the film is giving an indication that the film could be loosely inspired from the Hollywood flick 'The Punisher'. Already, there is a talk that Pawan's role is etched like that of a man who is not having any weak emotions like sadness, anger etc.

Whether this is true or not, one thing is sure. The film will surely be a stylish treat since director Vishnuvardhan is known for that. On the other hand, the presence of glamorous beauties like Sarah Jane Dias and Anjali Lavania is promising more visual feast to the audience.

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