Saturday, July 7, 2012

Gambling is Not my Cup of Tea: Nagarjuna

Gambling is Not my Cup of Tea: Nagarjuna
King Nagarjuna is known for his great taste and business acumen. Whatever the field, he leaves a mark of his own be it the Touch pub or N-Grill restaurant or MAA or i1 Super Series Racing.

Recently, there were widespread rumors that Nag is planning to start a Casino in Goa soon. Shocked with the reports, the actor responded and clarified that he has no such plans what-so-ever.

Making clear that quick money is not his game, Nag reveals he always kept a safe distance from pouring hard-earned money into gambling. However, the star admitted that he had visited casinos in the past only to watch the mood of the people and never been able to stay for more than 15 minutes. He even has a dislike for cards and always prefer to watch a movie or read a good book instead of wasting time and money on such addictive games.

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